
Yuen Ren Chao: Meaning in Language and How it is Acquired
Meaning in Language and How it is Acquired
(S. 707 – 718)

Yuen Ren Chao

Meaning in Language and How it is Acquired

PDF, 12 Seiten

  • Epistemologie
  • Wissensgeschichte
  • Medienwissenschaft
  • Informatik
  • Historische Dokumente
  • Regelung
  • Theoriebildung
  • Mathematik
  • Technikgeschichte
  • Wissenschaftsgeschichte
  • Soziologie
  • Computerwissenschaft
  • Informationstheorie
  • Kybernetik

Meine Sprache

Aktuell ausgewählte Inhalte

Yuen Ren Chao

war ein chinesischer Sprachwissenschaftler, Begründer der modernen chinesischen Sprachwissenschaft und Schöpfer der Romanisierung Gwoyeu Romatzyh.

Claus Pias (Hg.): Cybernetics

Claus Pias (Hg.)

The Macy Conferences 1946–1953. The Complete Transactions

Mit einem Vorwort von Claus Pias

Broschur, 736 Seiten

PDF, 736 Seiten

Between 1946 and 1953 ten conferences under the heading "Cybernetics. Circular, Causal, and Feedback Mechanisms in Biological and Social Systems" were held. Sponsored by Josiah Macy Jr., the so-called Macy Conferences mark perhaps the most important event in the history of science after WW II. Using new terms such as "information", "feedback", and "analogical/digital" as starting point, the participants tried to develop a universal theory of regulation and control, that would be applicable to living beings as well as to machines, to economic as well as to mental processes, and to sociological as well as to aesthetical phenomena. These concepts permeate thinking in such diverse fields as biology, neurology, sociology, language studies, computer science, and even psychoanalysis, ecology, politics, and economy. They marked the epoch-making changes from thermodynamics to cybernetics (Wiener), from the disciplinary to control society (Deleuze), and from the industrial to information society (Lyotard).

The Macy Conferences are of special historical/scientific value since they do not deal with completed texts yet, but rather with interdisciplinary negotiations about an emerging epistemology. This edition contains the complete transcription and protocols of all Macy Conference contributions.
