
Kai Ziegner: A History of Violence

Kai Ziegner

A History of Violence
Photography and Writing as an Experience, Experiment and Insight

PDF, 110 Seiten


The focus of this narrative-analytical text-photo-montage is the so-called Wendezeit in East Germany, the years after the reunification and the individual and collective outbreaks of violence that accompanied thisradical change. Based on personal experiences and trained on literary and theoretical works such as Alexander Kluge’s Lebensläufe, Klaus Theweleit’s Männerphantasien or W.G. Sebald’s novel Austerlitz, Kai Ziegner reflects on remembrance and testimony in a way that is as critical as it is experimental.


Where and how do authoritarian regimes and structures persist across generations? What scars can be read on the fault lines of disruptive processes and how to deal with – not only historical – situations in which the protagonists are victims and perpetrators at the same time? Ziegner’s artistic research shows how the unpresentable can become visible, how the ambiguous can be told and how a differentiated processing can be made possible.

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Kai Ziegner

Kai Ziegner

(*1975 in Plauen/Vogtland) experienced the so-called turnaround in the GDR in 1989 at the age of 14. He took an active part in the first and subsequent demonstrations against the GDR government in his hometown. After studying German, political science, journalism, photography and fine arts in Leipzig, Berlin and Zurich and completing a research doctorate with distinction, he now works as an artist and lecturer for artistic research strategies in Berlin.